100x At Elephant Money: A Strategic Approach to Crypto Investing 🚀

Yield Yoda
3 min readDec 6, 2023



In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, achieving significant returns, such as a 100x gain, often seems like a distant dream. However, in a recent video by CryptoSlo, titled “100x At Elephant Money Is Easier Than You Think,” viewers are given an insightful perspective on how to approach crypto investing strategically. This blog post summarizes the key points from the video, offering valuable insights for both seasoned and novice investors.

🔗 Watch the full video here and don’t forget to subscribe to CryptoSlo’s channel for more insightful content.

The Pitfall of Overtrading

CryptoSlo emphasizes the importance of avoiding overtrading. The crypto market is replete with perceived opportunities that can tempt investors into making hasty decisions. The key to success, as highlighted in the video, is to already be in a good position rather than chasing the market. This involves investing in assets like Bitcoin, Elephant, and others during their low phases and holding onto them.

The Elephant Money Strategy

The video delves deep into the strategy surrounding Elephant Money, particularly focusing on the transition from Stampede to Trumpet. With regulatory changes affecting stable coins on Elephant Money, investors are advised to migrate to Trumpet. This shift is significant as Trunk is now deflationary, with a buy-and-burn policy that is expected to reduce supply and potentially increase value over time.

Patience is Key

A recurring theme in the video is the virtue of patience. CryptoSlo shares personal experiences of not selling assets like Elephant and SATs, even after substantial gains. The rationale is to aim for life-changing returns (1000x), which requires holding positions through market fluctuations.

The Power of Holding

Holding assets through a full bull run is stressed as a critical strategy. CryptoSlo predicts that with Bitcoin potentially reaching much higher values in the future, those who hold their positions will see substantial wealth growth. This approach is about playing the long game, looking beyond immediate gains.

Diversification and Risk Management

While holding is a primary strategy, the video also advises using a small portion of your portfolio (about 5–10%) to explore new opportunities. This balance between holding strong positions and cautiously exploring new ventures can help in wealth preservation and growth.

The Future of Elephant and Crypto Market

The video is optimistic about the future of Elephant and the broader crypto market. With the bull run just starting, there’s anticipation of significant growth. The advice is to sell into strength, not weakness, and to be wary of market FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt).


CryptoSlo’s video is a treasure trove of insights for anyone looking to navigate the crypto market successfully. The key takeaways are clear: avoid overtrading, hold strong positions, be patient for significant gains, and manage your portfolio wisely by diversifying into new opportunities cautiously.

🔥 Call to Action: Enhance your crypto journey with Elephant Money. Save on transaction taxes by adding a Partner: Elephant Money Partner. In ‘The HERD: A Partner Network’ box, click on the partner tab, and add this address as your partner:



This blog post is a summary of a video discussion and does not constitute financial advice. Always conduct your own research before making investment decisions. 🧐📚



Yield Yoda

I write short informative articles on Cryptocurrency and Decentralized Finance